Our Mission
"A world with space for the large and small 'struggles' in life."
Foundation What Do You Do? dedicates itself to broaden awareness around stigma, and offers tools aimed at improving acceptance and understanding.
From us-them thinking, to us-together
The Manifest
recognize we're all psychologically
off balance sometimes. It doesn't
surprise me and I don't look down
on it. We're all human and that
connects us. Everyone has talent
and I will watch over that view.
What do you do?
The Team
Born in Joure and grown up in India..;) As a world traveler I quickly discovered: 'We're all just winging it'. In Amsterdam I am a (yoga)teacher, psychologist, fellow human and adventurer. Sources of joy: campfire conversations, meditating, running along forest trails and making honest contact with myself and others. My tripping blocks: taking insecurities seriously, setting too high expectations, forgetfulness and indecisiveness. Talents: out-of-the-box thinking, inspiring, flow & improvising.
Born and raised in the east of the country. Traveled into the wide world with a sober, enthusiastic and curious eye. I love the mountains in which I feel at home because there are no expectations or judgments. I like different cultures with the additional habits, musical tunes and language. Because of my curiosity, I undertake all kinds of different things, but it is my pitfall to reflect on my uncertainties and fears. That part that the world finds very special but at the same time exciting.
A positive girl from the south of the Netherlands (Zeeland) who moved to the big city and is on a quest to discover the world. My pitfall is that I can be self-demanding sometimes and try too hard to be liked by everyone. In contrast are my strengths. The ability to motivate others, to see the world as a place full of opportunity, curiosity and I have an open mind.
True Rotterdammer who in the meantime has lived in Utrecht with much joy for ten years. Via my old house-mate Marilon I got involved with the foundation and am functioning as treasurer since 2020. I'm a news-junkie and like to throw darts. Besides that I've recently been active in the background of local politics.
What do we do?
The team members of What Do You Do? give helpful workshops that inform people on the effects of preconceptions and provide concrete tools aimed at improving acceptance.
We provide informative, interactive and playful meetings like workhops, talks, trainings and film/documentary with conversation. Besides, in collaberation with the University of Utrecht we studied the effectiveness of our workshops.